#NowPlaying-Drew's movie pick of the week "The Sea of Trees"

Drew watches an insane about of films...he's a little obsessive about it. This will be a place for him to share some his favorite, lesser known films. It seems that people are always looking for recommendations, so you may find a few here to check out. 

Title: "The Sea of Trees" 

Where to watch: Netflix 

Why Drew chose it: "I like to follow directors. Gus Van Sant can be hit or miss, but he hits more than misses as a director, and this is definitely a hit for me. I'm not a fan of Matthew McConaughey, but he doesn't ruin the film and he's actually surprisingly good in the role. I was surprised by this film - I wasn't expecting to like it. This is a very dark but beautiful film - great acting, great directing." -Drew 

I liked it, too. 
